Fitness can be the other “f” word. It’s difficult, hard and requires personal discipline which is something not a lot of people have these days. Fitness doesn’t mean that you have to live in a gym or eat nothing but salad. This article will show you some great easy ways to incorporate fitness into your life.
A great way to help you get fit is to find a workout buddy. Workout buddies are great because they can lend you motivation when you need it and they can spot you when you’re lifting weights. If you’re going to be lifting heavy weights, a workout partner is strongly recommended.
Having a routine, limits the stimulation of the brain. Studies have shown that changing or breaking a routine, will promote stimulation and in turn, staves off dementia. Instead of driving the same route to the grocery store, change the route and drive a different way. These small steps will improve your brain’s stimulation and reduce the chance of getting dementia.
Use the stairs instead of the elevators whenever you can. Stair climbing is a great way to get a little exercise during the day. A few flights of stairs can give you a good workout for your heart and legs. When you do this throughout the day at work, you would be surprised at how much exercise you are able to fit in by the time you leave for home.
Swimming is a great way to stay in shape. Swimming burns calories, builds lean muscle and cardiovascular stamina but isn’t hard on your joints like impact sports (such as running or cycling). If you don’t have your own pool, some gyms offer indoor and outdoor pools or you can join a community pool.
To lower your risk of osteoporosis, be sure to consume plenty of calcium. It’s commonly known that milk and other dairy products contain calcium, but this nutrient can be found in many other foods. Bok Choy, broccoli, and kelp are all very high in calcium. Sesame seeds are another great source.
If you are trying to incorporate a good cardiovascular activity into your fitness program, start by doing warm-up stretches followed by an aerobic activity, like running or walking. A good test to give yourself to know if you are working-out hard enough is to give yourself the “talk test.”� If you can talk easily while working out or can sing a song, you are probably not working hard enough on your cardio training.
Make sure to replace your workout shoes after a while to avoid having major knee injuries. It is generally suggested that you determine an expiration date of sorts on your workout shoes. To calculate this, figure that shoes generally last for about 500 miles. Take the number 500 and divide it by your weekly mileage to see how long your shoes should last.
Being physically fit is a personal choice. It doesn’t mean that you have to look like a body builder or guzzle down protein shakes by the liter. As this article has pointed out, there are some great, easy and simple ways that you can be much more fit and healthy on a daily basis.