Many people think the only way to get fit is by lifting weights. Focusing on exercises that work your legs, arms, core, back, and buttocks will help you become more toned all over. Try pull-ups, push-ups, squats, leg raises, handstand push-ups, and bridges.
Release your fear. Another great fitness alternative is biking. A cheap way to get fit is to bike instead of drive as a solution to getting to work. Riding a bike to and from work, especially if your commute is short, can count as your workout for the day.
Add your favorite music to your workout. It has been proven that people who listen to music while working out go faster than those that aren’t listening to music. Studies have also shown that people who listen to music while exercising perceive their workouts as being easier to complete.
A modification to traditional running that can increase fitness is high knee running. It simply involves raising your knees above your waist while running. By doing high knee running, you increase strength in your core muscles by essentially doing a standing crunch while running. It’s also an extra workout for your thighs.
Strength training can help you become a faster runner. A recent study showed strengthening exercises helped runners improve their time. Runners who did eight weeks of resistance training were able to shave time off of their run. The stronger you are, the faster you will be able to run.
Make sure you our also working out your “invisible” abdominal muscles when you are doing your abdominal workouts. There are abdominal muscles underneath your six pack muscle that are responsible for keeping your tummy trim. To properly work them out, use the vacuum routine. Pull in your belly button toward your spine and hold it in for about 10 minutes, while breathing normal. Do this about 5 times.
Don’t force your child to participate in a sport they’re not interested in. If you do that, they’ll dread exercise and sports and it can push them into a lazy lifestyle. Instead, let them try different sports until they find one that they love. There are so many sports out there, there’s bound to be something they enjoy.
When weather is dampening your normal outdoor exercise routine, try a good indoor venue. Many malls have nice wide opened spaces that you can walk in. Most encourage walkers to enjoy their space. They provide a good change in scenery and allow you to keep your fitness goals on track.
In conclusion, fitness is extremely important to your overall well being. There are lots of obvious fitness related things that you can do as well as things that you may never have thought of. As long as you follow the tips and tricks in this article you should find much success.