• How To Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test For THC And Marijuana


    Recreational use of Marijuana and THC are still illegal in most parts of the world. You can do this freely in Canada, Uruguay, South Africa, Georgia, and a few US States – Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, Michigan, Maine, Vermont, District of Columbia, and Massachusetts. See the whole map here.

    However, all this doesn’t mean you’ll keep your job if you conduct a follicle test in some of these countries. Privately own companies might have their own policies and they might forbid their employees to be under THC influence. When it comes to other states, being under influence means breaking the law so your employer may not just fire you from work, but might file charges against you for doing something illegal at work.

    That’s why passing the follicle drug test is really important for every recreational user of marijuana. The problem is, THC is one of the …


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